长兴金湖轻纺有限公司是山东藤州汇能电源有限公司投资控股的新兴工贸公司.目前公司以生产坯布成品和浴联用品为主. 公司起源于2001年.至今已有8个年头.从拥(壹)台有梭丝织机的(个体户)到2台.3台.4台.6台.12台.32台...努力勤劳加诚实.一步一个脚印的过来.练成了到现在拥有高速喷水织机96台.公司车间宽敞整洁,管理规范。
欢迎广大顾客朋友莅临我公司! The Changxing Jinhu light industry Limited company is the Shandong cane state collects can the power source Limited company invest the holding the emerging industry and trade company. At present the company produces the gray cloth end product and the bath joint thing primarily.<dnt> </dnt> The company stemmed from 2001. Until now had 8 years. From supports (one) Taiwan to have the shuttle silk loom (individual operator) to 2 .3 .4 .6 .12 .32…Industrious Canada is diligently honest. Coming work carefully and make steady progress. Practices had high speed jet loom 96 to the present. Company workshop spacious neat, the administrative regulations. Provides the quoted price promptly, pulls serves with the small batch trial production.<dnt> </dnt> “makes the labor to be fine, on-time delivery, the reasonable price” is our consistent objective. Welcome to Our company!
欢迎广大顾客朋友莅临我公司! The Changxing Jinhu light industry Limited company is the Shandong cane state collects can the power source Limited company invest the holding the emerging industry and trade company. At present the company produces the gray cloth end product and the bath joint thing primarily.<dnt> </dnt> The company stemmed from 2001. Until now had 8 years. From supports (one) Taiwan to have the shuttle silk loom (individual operator) to 2 .3 .4 .6 .12 .32…Industrious Canada is diligently honest. Coming work carefully and make steady progress. Practices had high speed jet loom 96 to the present. Company workshop spacious neat, the administrative regulations. Provides the quoted price promptly, pulls serves with the small batch trial production.<dnt> </dnt> “makes the labor to be fine, on-time delivery, the reasonable price” is our consistent objective. Welcome to Our company!