東莞橋頭富順工藝制品廠地址:廣東省東莞市橋頭鎮石水口村大山尾3號電話:0769-81028479傳真:0769-81028478聯系人:毛先生 達先生E-MAIL: 本企業乃專業生產兼開發樹脂工藝品,產品遠銷歐美及中東地區,現有標准新廠房3500平方米,熟練工人150名,經驗豐富,管理體系及各種政府批文齊全,現有主要設備:真空機3台(帶6箱),打料機一台,磨底機2台(帶4頭),修胚機位8個,鑽孔機3台,等一批相關的設備. 生產的主要產品有:各處精致聖旦節禮品,吊飾,燈飾,擺飾,花園系列,噴泉等. 論聪M?F司能給敝廠一個嘗試機會,我們將以熱情的服務,優良的品質,歡迎與您的合作. Dongguan bridge Fushun products fabrication facility Address: Shiqiao Township, Dongguan, Guangdong Province, Stone Mountain Village inlet end of the 3rd Tel: 0769 -- 81028479Fax: 0769 -- 81028478Contact: Mr. President Mao The factory is specializing in the production of resin products processing plants, the existing standard new 3,500-square-meter factory, skilled 150, (50 embryos white, painted 80, packing 12 workers, development Proofing 8) experienced all kinds of Government approval complete, the existing major equipment: vacuum-3-(6-box), a feeder, one Taiwan, grinding machine at the end of 2 - (with four), the embryo for repair of eight, three drilling machines, such as a grant-related equipment. Production of main products: refined throughout the Christmas Day gifts, strap, lighting, decoration, Garden series, such as fountains. Democratic sincere hope that your company can try to plant a chance, we will be friendly service, excellent quality, and welcome your cooperation.