    河北安平东利拔丝镀锌厂始建于1999年,专业致力于8#-33#(4.0mm-0.25mm)电镀丝的生产与销售.本厂位于的"中国丝网之乡"--安平,企业逐渐转向多样化`专业化`标准化,多年以来的发展造就了东利拔丝镀锌丝厂,产品获得众多赞誉与国家部门的标准认可.|昨天我们以优良的品质得与用户的信赖;今天,我们会再接再厉,进一步提高产品质量来满足多个客户的需求.在原有的制丝工业技术基础上,不断进去,以优良的生产`科学的管理经验,先进的生产工艺来确保产品的的合格与提高.在技术上,我们呕心力血先后研制出300跟镀锌生产线与退火工艺.在生产上一丝不苟,亲自领导负责确保每一道工序的按标准生产,以保证产品质量. 日本`美国等国家的满意对我们来说只是体现合格的一面.更重要的是使我们的产品成为一个可行性标准. .欢迎洽谈联系人鲁东利   电话13091185457                           The Hebei peaceful east advantage wire drawing galvanization factory builds in1999. Professional # 33 to # 8 (4.0mm - 0.25mm) electroplating silk production and marketing. The plant is located in the famous "silk village" -- Anping, enterprises have gradually diversified to `professional` standardization, Over the years the development of the West created a galvanized extracted Guo, many products have been praised with national accreditation standards for the sector. | yesterday with a fine quality in the trust with users; Today, we will continue to work further improve the quality of products to meet the needs of various customers. In the original silk industrial and technical foundation, continuously, and it with a fine production of `scientific management experience and advanced production techniques to ensure that qualified products and improve. Technically, We nausea of blood has developed the 300 production line with galvanized and annealing process. In production neat. personally responsible for leading a process to ensure that each of the standard production, to ensure product quality. Japan `the United States and other countries note that for us is only a reflection of qualified side. More importantly, the so that our products become a feasibility standards.. welcome Fair director Gao  Lu  13180009009  13091185457
名称: 鲁冬立 类型: 私营独资企业 (生产加工)
城市: 全国 规模: 未提供
注册资金: 未填写 注册年份: 1999
经营模式: 生产加工
主营产品: 镀锌丝#工艺品丝#改拔丝#育果袋丝#车用油管丝#退火铁丝#包胶镀锌丝#包纸镀锌丝#合股镀锌丝#清洁球专用丝#绢花花杆丝#爆破线
冶金矿产 / 金属丝、绳
  • 地址:中国河北安平县河北省安平县
  • 电话:8603187619135
  • 手机:13091185457
  • 传真:8603187522237
  • 联系人:鲁冬立