The company synopsis 闪耀如钻石的圣·凡尔赛陶瓷源于法国皇家血统,一直致力于生产奢华尊贵的皇家陶瓷,为国际瓷质饰釉砖品牌,被誉为瓷砖界的“Rolls-Royce”。
S-versail tiles from the France imperial relationship,layout the Chinese market in 2005,then become the expert of this profession and the top brand of porcelain tiles in the domestic.圣·凡尔赛陶瓷中国生产基地位于广东省佛山市,拥有装备了现代化先进生产设备(萨克米压机、西斯特姆辊筒印花机)的全瓷饰釉砖生产线,是中国最大的仿古砖生产基地之一。
S-versail tiles advocate imperial life,extends the culture,melts the king honored and the luxurious into the modern age,by the modern age,by the reputattion is the “Rolls-Royce”of tiles profession,wihe wish thae it would bring the new imperial life idea to the Chinese populace. 圣·凡尔赛以庞大的生产实力和强大的技术开发团队为后盾,以市场为导向,以创新为动力,不断进取,成功的步入到由产品领先向者过渡的良性发展轨道,在2006年度,圣·凡尔赛先后荣获中国品牌、中国陶业最具影响力创新企业;2007年3月28日,再次摘获陶瓷界最高奖项——陶瓷行业的奥斯卡“年度新锐企业”。
S-versail tiles production base lie in Foshan city that is the biggest tiiles products and sales centre atsouth of China,it has six modernization advanced production equipments(Samic rolling mill,System roller printing machine)that are all porcelain tiles products lines.Where is the one of biggest rustic tiles production base in China,daily output are 60,000sqm. 风云际会,圣·凡尔赛融汇全球皇家显赫文化,更具备与时俱进的现实、自然、人文文化。
S-versail tiles from the France imperial relationship,layout the Chinese market in 2005,then become the expert of this profession and the top brand of porcelain tiles in the domestic.圣·凡尔赛陶瓷中国生产基地位于广东省佛山市,拥有装备了现代化先进生产设备(萨克米压机、西斯特姆辊筒印花机)的全瓷饰釉砖生产线,是中国最大的仿古砖生产基地之一。
S-versail tiles advocate imperial life,extends the culture,melts the king honored and the luxurious into the modern age,by the modern age,by the reputattion is the “Rolls-Royce”of tiles profession,wihe wish thae it would bring the new imperial life idea to the Chinese populace. 圣·凡尔赛以庞大的生产实力和强大的技术开发团队为后盾,以市场为导向,以创新为动力,不断进取,成功的步入到由产品领先向者过渡的良性发展轨道,在2006年度,圣·凡尔赛先后荣获中国品牌、中国陶业最具影响力创新企业;2007年3月28日,再次摘获陶瓷界最高奖项——陶瓷行业的奥斯卡“年度新锐企业”。
S-versail tiles production base lie in Foshan city that is the biggest tiiles products and sales centre atsouth of China,it has six modernization advanced production equipments(Samic rolling mill,System roller printing machine)that are all porcelain tiles products lines.Where is the one of biggest rustic tiles production base in China,daily output are 60,000sqm. 风云际会,圣·凡尔赛融汇全球皇家显赫文化,更具备与时俱进的现实、自然、人文文化。