    公 司 简 介佛山市雅琪实业发展有限公司致力于铝制箱包制品及世界知名品牌产品的包装和展示道具的专业设计和制做,工厂环境优美配套设施完善.我们生产的产品包含箱包系列:各种规格的铝制化妆箱、工具箱、公文箱、CD箱、HID铝箱、电脑箱、仪器箱、石英石样品箱、美容美发箱、麦克风箱、医疗箱、医用器材箱、部队枪箱、军用指挥战备箱、航空箱、首饰箱、航模箱、筹码箱、金融提款箱、摄影器材箱、礼品箱、首饰箱、棋盘箱、手表箱、烧烤用具箱、高尔夫球箱、演出道具箱、押钞、运钞箱、渔具箱、演艺箱、减震机箱等铝箱产品。
展示制品系列:高档手表展台;眼镜展台;香水展台; 珠宝展示道具;化妆品展柜;眼镜展柜;专卖店展示柜;五金展架;木配五金亚克力展台;各种木制工艺品.使用的主要材料有:各种铝片;铝型材;实木; 密度板(MDF);真皮/PU皮; 亚克力及各种金属配件等.可提供的品牌LOGO工艺有: 丝印;激光雕刻; 烫金;烫银以及金属工艺LOGO等.  生意无大小,客户是上帝!我们保证为每一位新老客户提供高品质的产品.雅琪热忱期待海内外的新老客户光临指导,携手合作,共创!     Contact Email: Jeffsales@163.com  MSN: jeffmarketing@hotmail.com Foshan Sunwise Industial Co., Ltd, a professional aluminum case and display manufactory, provides your products with the most fashionable display space. we have professional manufacture machines, have skilled management and technology clerk, which dedicating in Design & Manufacture aluminum case and display product.    Our main products including:Aluminum case series :tool cases, gun cases, computer cases , cosmetic cases, golf ball cases, barbecue cases.Luxury Display series: Watch display;jewellery showcase;cosmetic cabinet;eyewear showcase; cigar box; jewellery box and so on. Main materials we usually use : Aluminum sheet;all kinds of nature wood; MDF; real leather ; PU-Leather ; Metal; ABS; Acrylic and others.   We could provide different LOGO: Silk print; Laser Engrave; Hot Stamping ( Gold/ Silver); Metal Plate/ Powder Coating; Printing Glossy/ Matt Finishing ; Assigned Color etc. We are trying our best to research and produce new product, with elaborate design elaborate manufacture to meet the clients’ requirement.We have lower labour cost & competitive product unit price, we hope to win cooperation opportunity(OEM) with your corporation
名称: 郑道俊 类型: 私营股份有限公司 (生产加工、商业服务)
城市: 全国 规模: 未提供
注册资金: 未填写 注册年份: 2006
经营模式: 生产加工、商业服务
运动、休闲 / 烧烤用具
  • 地址:中国广东佛山市南海区里水镇里水村联合工业区
  • 电话:86075785726319;81654
  • 手机:13728505988
  • 传真:86075786253389
  • 联系人:郑道俊