乐陵市建业五金工具有限公司位于中国金丝小枣之乡---山东省乐陵市,风光秀丽. 交通便利. 公司已成立10年,是手工工具生产的专业公司. 现有员工300余人,各类专业技术人员50人,一直从事于手工工具的生产加工,主导产品把斧、斧头、锤子、柴尖等,年生产量150万件,是国内较大的斧生产厂. 公司推行现代化管理.产品严格按照国家标准,国外先进工业国家标准组织生产和验收,并通过了德国添福技术监督顾问公司的”GS”和”TUV”质量认证,销往亚非拉美欧几十个国家和地区,受到广大用户的好评. 公司坚持”质量第一”,”信誉第一”的宗旨,竭诚服务于国内外用户,热情欢迎广大国内外用户来厂光临指导. Leling Jianye Hardware Tools Co., Ltd. is located in Leling City, Shandong Province, enjoying convenient transportation. Our factory has been specially producing all kinds of hand tools, including axes, hammers, crow bars, wrecking bars, splitting mauls, steel picks and wooden handles. Our annual production capacity surpasses 5,000,000 pieces. Modern management ideas and systems are practiced in the factory. Product quality is strictly controlled according to the national and "GS" standards. Up to now, our products have been exported to scores of counties and have won a great reputation in the world market. "Quality first, reputation supremacy" is the principle we have been consistently adhering to. We sincerely look forward to serving more domestic and overseas customers and warmly welcome your visit to our factory.