This factory is located in the Chinese umbrella city, is thecollection research and development, the manufacture, the saleslarge-scale system umbrella enterprise, the specialized productionfishes the umbrella, the leisure umbrella, the double-decked umbrella,the golf umbrella, the advertisement umbrella, the sand beachumbrella, the umbrella, Tong San and so on each kind ofumbrella has, the product sells in distant markets European andAmerican, Japanese, South Korean and Southeast Asia each place.This factory manufacture fishes umbrella fishing to be second to none,enjoys a good reputation everywhere.This factory zealously will welcome everywhere new old customers handin hand to cooperate with this company, altogether will createmagnificently.
This factory is located in the Chinese umbrella city, is thecollection research and development, the manufacture, the saleslarge-scale system umbrella enterprise, the specialized productionfishes the umbrella, the leisure umbrella, the double-decked umbrella,the golf umbrella, the advertisement umbrella, the sand beachumbrella, the umbrella, Tong San and so on each kind ofumbrella has, the product sells in distant markets European andAmerican, Japanese, South Korean and Southeast Asia each place.This factory manufacture fishes umbrella fishing to be second to none,enjoys a good reputation everywhere.This factory zealously will welcome everywhere new old customers handin hand to cooperate with this company, altogether will createmagnificently.