    南京新润食品有限公司成立于2001年,注册资本510万元,主要生产经营南京特产盐水鸭、板鸭、咸草鸡、五香牛肉、驴肉、咸鸭蛋、粽子等肉禽类包装食品以及鲜(冻)猪肉、牛肉、禽类及其副产品,公司奉行“诚实守信、信誉第一”的经营理念率先在同行业中通过了2000国际质量体系认证和食品安全体系认证,公司走品牌化发展道路,获得南京市产品和南京市商标称号,产品畅销国内二十多个省市与麦德龙、沃尔玛、苏果等大型国际连锁超市以及多家大型餐饮连锁企业和星级酒店宾馆建立了良好的合作关系,成为他们的主要商品及原料的重点定牌供应商.    热忱欢迎海内外各界朋友来我公司考察合作、共同发展!  Nanjing Xinrunfood Co., Ltd, registered capital of 5.1 million yuan, were founded in 2001.Currently, our main production and operation of Nanjing special local product Pressed salted duck, spicy beef , donkey, rice dumplings and other types of packaged food and fresh (frozen) pork , beef , poultry and their by-products. Our company adheres to the “honest and trustworthy , credibility first ” business philosophy .We had taken the lead in the same industry through the 2000 international quality system certification and food safety system certification. Taking the path of famous brand development, we access to brand-name products of Nanjing, and the title of a well-known trademark in Nanjing .Our products have been sold in 20 provinces and municipalities. Now, we have established good cooperative relations including Metro, Wal-Mart, Suguo supermarket and other large international restaurant, large enterprises and stars hotel .We have been to their primary raw materials suppliers. We warmly welcome all friends to visit our company, cooperation and development!
名称: 南京新润食品有限公司 类型: 有限责任公司 (生产加工)
城市: 江苏/南京 规模: 未提供
注册资金: 未填写 注册年份: 2003
经营模式: 生产加工
主营产品: 鸭系列产品#酱卤系列产品#腌腊制品系列#蛋品系列#嘉兴粽子系列#熟食品系列#真空小包装#豆制品#风干系列#禽类#生肉#餐饮
食品、饮料 / 肉制品
  • 地址:中国江苏南京市南京江宁区东山街道上坊新润路1号
  • 电话:862552696466,5269606
  • 传真:862552696660
  • 联系人:申新军