 英文:  China TopStar Party House including Yiwu City TopStar Party Supplies Factory and China FutureStar International CO.Ltd,established in 2007,which specializes in developing, designing, producing and trade selling of various party supplies and accessories, is located in World Small Commodity City-Yiwu. Here at partyidea.cn you will hunt much larger selection of party supplies online in China,including ten of thousands party goods for seasonal events as well as year themes.We have thousands of party products for all year round parties dressing up & all sorts of special occasions.Warmly welcome you to read and search over 6000 outfits and accessories for men, ladies, boys,girls,teenages,babies and toddlers.Customized order is very appreciated. China TopStar Party House survives on high quality, reputation and development,with the absolute preferential prices and dedication to customer service, company welcomes customer calls from home and abroad to negotiate business, the company will provide you with the best quality service. China TopStar Party House main manufactured and export party products as below: 1) Party costume: different size,different occasions 2) Party headband & head bopper.animal ears headband,including bunny ears. 3) Party mask:latex mask,rubber mask,leaf mask,feather mask,plastic mask,EVA mask,PVC mask,plastic mask 4) Party Hat:Christmas hat,Halloween hat,Priate hat,St.Patrick hat,Mardi Gras hat,Felt Hat etc. 5) Party Sunglasses:Huge size,Midldle size,Children size 6) Crown Tiara:Birthday series,Princess series,Wedding series 7) Party wigs 8)Angel & butterfly wing 9) Party Accessary:Bow Tie,Sash,Wand,Badge,Boas,Brooches,gloves decorations,weapon/sword,witch's broom,sexy hand cuff,L plates, shot glass,sex toys,Banner,Garland,Foam Stick,Tutus,Property Master,bead necklace and so on. Production Goal:"innovation and integrity" "high-quality production" "efficient operation"   Service Tenet:"Best Quality,Best Service,Best Price"   中文: 义乌市铭途玩具有限公司(原名义乌市华冶节日舞会用品厂),是一家以派对狂欢舞会用品研发、生产、销售及贸易为一体化的生产型企业,主要产品有舞会服装、动物头扣及三件套、太阳镜、巫婆帽,狂欢帽、狂欢面具、塑料皇冠+棒子、天使蝴蝶翅膀、肩带胸章、情趣服装、夏威夷系列、PU兵器,整人玩具、纹身手套等。
现产品已远销美国、加拿大,韩国、俄罗斯、西欧、南美,东南亚等国家和地区,深受海内外客户的信赖和厚爱,竭诚欢迎海内外商家到我司自选式样、来样订做等多种合作方式,更期待您的来电垂询或亲临洽商!  热线电话:0579-89908300,15925987862 业务QQ:670252009 铭途也跟随时代的脚步,走入电子商务的时代,希望以后大家继续像以前一样一如既往的支持华冶! 铭途宗旨:<质量第一>,<客户满意>,<合理价格> 铭途目标:没有好,只有更好,华冶做您节日舞会用品的佳选择!   主营产品: 舞会服装;动物头扣;太阳镜;狂欢帽子;乳胶面具搪胶面具;纸面具;塑料皇冠;天使翅膀;蝴蝶翅膀;狂欢节系列;狂欢节面具;礼仪带肩带;情趣服装;夏威夷草裙;PU兵器;兔子耳朵;整人玩具;纹身手套;胸章;以及万圣节系列组合,圣诞节系列组合,爱尔兰系列组合,新年系列组合,复活节系列组合,hen party系列组合 Party Costume & Party Dress,Party Headband & Party Head bopper,Party Mask & Carnival Mask,Plastic Crown Tiara,Angel wing & Butterfly Wing,crown and tiara,carnival hat and felt hat,party sash,fake teeth,fake moustache,funny sunglasses,Halloween supplies,Christmas supplies,Hen Party supplies,New Year supplies,Birthday party supplies,St.Patrick’s Day supplies etc.   主要市场: 全国;台湾;港澳台地区;日本;北美;南美;中东;东亚;东欧;西欧;非洲;大洋洲 North America   South America  Eastern Europe   Southeast Asia Africa  Oceania  Mid East   Eastern Asia Western Europe    Central America    Northern Europe Southern Europe  
名称: 义乌市铭途玩具有限公司 类型: 个体经营 (制造商,贸易商)
城市: 浙江/金华/义乌 规模: 50-99人
注册资金: 100万人民币 注册年份: 2007
经营模式: 制造商,贸易商
主营产品: 各种节日派对用品
销售的产品: 各种节日派对用品| 节日派对用品定制
礼品、工艺品、饰品 礼品、工艺品、饰品 / 节庆用品 礼品、工艺品、饰品 / 节庆用品 / 化妆服饰道具
礼品、工艺品、饰品 / 节庆用品 / 其他节庆用品
  • 地址:义乌市稠江街道新科路万达写字楼B座16楼
  • 电话:86-579-85201789
  • 邮件:cnparty@163.com
  • 手机:17688741343
  • 传真:86-579-85201987
  • 联系人:华克龙