    东莞市正瑞电子有限公司成立于2007年3月,她是在中山厂的基础上新成立的有限公司.目前本公司在东莞市仅设有一些后加工及组装平台,产品设计,客户服务等.前处理生产工厂均设在中山市港口镇.经过公司全体同仁的共同努力,在包装材料行业中本公司的产品及服务均已具备一定的竞争力.   本公司极力贯彻"质量第一,用户至上"经营方针,真诚地把客户当作朋友,把产品销售视做全面的服务.公司已在2008年实现产品全面环保,并计划申请公司ISO9001的认证.我们期待我们的产品,我的服务能得到各位朋友的认可.    DongGuang PolyRich Electronic Limited Corporation, founded in August 2007,is a new limited corporation based on the ZhongShan factory. For the moment, the company has set up post-processing and assembly platform in the city of DongGuan .and the other pre-treatment in the factory based in the town of GangKou ,the city of ZhongShan.Through all the staffs hard working,the companys producitons and service has armed with the strong comperition ability among the field of Packaging materials.Quality Best, Customers First is the spirit of our running policy that my company firmly acts. Treat customers as our best friends,dedicate to the allround serevice for the sales of produciton. The company has guaranteed the friendly environment for the products in the 2008. Whats more ,it also applied the authentication about ISO9001 of Company in this years. We expect our products and service can be recognized by all of you.
名称: 东莞市正瑞电子有限公司 类型: 有限责任公司 (生产加工)
经营范围: 产销:电子产品、纸类包装材料、塑料制品。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓
城市: 广东/东莞 规模: 未提供
注册资金: 未填写 注册年份: 2007
法人代表: 盛小玲
经营模式: 生产加工
营业执照号码: 441900000173912
注册机关: 东莞市工商行政管理局
主营产品: PE/PP/BOPP/LLDPE#防静电包装材料/收缩膜/USB等
包装 / 电器包装
  • 地址:中国广东东莞市清溪镇大利工业区
  • 电话:86076987846799
  • 手机:01392683856
  • 传真:86076987292402
  • 联系人:周世醒