公司拥有自己的管理研发团队和生产部、质检部、计划部、仓储部、市场部等相关部门,公司自主研发生产销售各种规格玻璃钻头(例如金刚石钻头、电镀钻头、烧结钻头等)、玻璃工具、玻璃磨轮、玻璃机械配件等相关产品!本公司与多家国内、外知名玻璃厂家建立长期稳定的合作伙伴关系,产品畅销国内、外市场,深受广大客户的欢迎和好评!也得到业界的认可和支持!公司多年来始终坚持“质量第一、客户至上”的经营理念,用心聆听每一位客户的意见和建议!广州慈辉玻璃工具热烈欢迎社会各界朋友莅临本公司参观、指导和业务洽谈!    Tsz Fai Glass Tools Co., Ltd. was officially established in 2008, is a recognized legitimate businesses registered by the relevant state departments! The company is located in beautiful Flower City of Guangzhou, improve the management system of the various departments of the company, and humane management by the relevant quality system certification (ISO9000). The company has its own management R & D team and production department, quality control department, the Ministry of Planning, warehousing, marketing department and other related departments, the company independent research and development production and sales of all kinds of glass drill bit (for example, diamond drill bits, electroplated drill, sintering drill, etc.), glass tool, glass grinding wheel, glass machinery, accessories and related products! The company with a number of domestic and foreign famous glass manufacturers to establish a long-term stable cooperative partnership, the products sell well in domestic and foreign markets, the majority of customers welcome and praise! Has also been recognized by the industry and support! Over the years the company has always adhere to the "quality first, customer first" business philosophy, listened to the comments and suggestions of every customer! Guangzhou Tsz Fai the glass tool warmly welcome all friends to visit our company, guidance and business negotiation!
名称: 广州市天河区东圃慈辉机械配件经营部 类型: 个体经营 (生产厂家)
经营范围: 零售:机械配件。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓
城市: 广东/广州 规模: 未提供
注册资金: 未填写 注册年份: 未提供
法人代表: 严燕娟
经营模式: 生产厂家
营业执照号码: 440106600843499
注册机关: 广州市天河区工商行政管理局
主营产品: 玻璃钻头#玻璃工具#玻璃磨轮
照明工业 / 白炽灯
  • 地址:中国广东广州市天河区广州市天河区车陂新涌口大街95-1号
  • 电话:86 020 82171676
  • 手机:13539937097
  • 传真:86 020 82171525
  • 联系人:严燕娟