公司发展历程及简介Company Development and Introduction  “昆山乐为能源环保设备有限公司”于2007年成立于江苏省昆山市开发区,主要致力于蒸汽锅炉使用企业之节能环保产品的研发与销售.经过多年不懈努力,我公司生产的蒸汽冷凝水回收设备及自主研发的高效率蒸汽疏水系统,已广泛应用于造纸,包装,纺织,印染,化工,皮革等蒸汽使用客户群;深受各行业客户的高度认可,同时也为国家建设节约型社会,节能降耗,减少污染,做出了一定的贡献.In August 2007, Kunshan Loyal Energy Saving and Environmental Protection equipment Co., Ltd established in Kunshan Development Zone, Jiangsu Province, it’s mainly focusing on the development and sales of Energy Saving Product for the steam boiler used by enterprise. After years tireless efforts, we produced the Steam-Condensation-water-Recycling equipment and self-developed high-efficiency Steam-Trap-System which has been widely used for the Steam-using customer of Paper, packing, textile, ringing and dyeing, chemical and leather Industry. Our product has not only achieved high reputation by customers across the industry, but also been admired for the contribution in Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction for Economizing Natural Resources.  随着我国经济的高速发展,能源消耗日趋增长,能源价格不断攀高;加上各行业市场竞争的加剧,大多数企业都面临着微利时代的考验,能源消耗作为企业生产成本不可忽视的部分;节能能源,提高能源使用效率便成为降低企业生产成本,提高企业生产力及市场竞争力的有效途径.With China’s rapid economic development, most Enterprises are facing the test of razor-thin margins due to the accumulating of the energy consumption, the constantly raising of the energy price, in addition the intensification of market competition  在此我们凭借卓越的专业技术,高品质的节能产品,高效率的服务团队为贵公司实现更大的繁荣发展贡献力量.With our superior technical expertise, high-quality Energy –Saving products, and efficient Customer Service team, we desire to gain the remarkable prosperity with you together.
名称: 昆山乐为能源环保设备有限公司 类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股 (生产厂家)
经营范围: 蒸汽凝结水回收设备的制造、销售;节水节电设备、水处理设备及配件、空气净化系统设备及耗材(危险品除外)、锅炉水处理剂(危险化学品除外)的销售。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)
城市: 江苏/苏州/昆山 规模: 未提供
注册资金: 未填写 注册年份: 2007
法人代表: 黄贵名
经营模式: 生产厂家
营业执照号码: 913205836663702780
注册机关: 昆山市市场监督管理局
主营产品: 蒸汽回收机#蒸汽疏水系统#高温水泵#疏水阀
机械及行业设备 / 节能设备
  • 地址:中国
  • 联系人:黄贵名