广州红叶实业有限司是一家集研究,开发,生产和销售家具,室内装修,装饰,手机配件(充电器,电池,手机外壳,按键,手机模型)笔记本电池产品及生产部件为一体的多元化发展的企业. 作为生产基地的广州红叶实业有限公司,成立多年来,为了实现致力客户需求,提高客户生活质量的目标,一直致力于降低成本的同时提高品质,提升竞争优势,优化经营环境,强化管理体系,增强公司核心竞争力.公司坚持"以人为本,用良心和专业为客户服务"的经营理念,具体表现为"用职业的专门良心和专业忠诚,以专业的设计和制造技术服务,满意客户;以系统的管理保证提供品质的产品和效率,以严谨,务实,实事求是的作风,足踏实地持续发展", 这是公司全体员工对客户的承诺.红叶人把全部的情感,心思和追求全部投入在红叶,用心制造红叶,经营红叶,红叶的每一个零件,部件和产品,是红叶人的心,红叶人的家.红叶,心的家,家的馨,红叶.Guang Zhou Hong Ye Industrial Co.Ltd. is involved in research and development of furniture. The company also focuses on furniture production and sales,mobile phone accessories and their core components. The company has been pleasing customers. We design furniture according to our customers needs, improving their living environment . We also work very hard to ensure the greatest quality furniture with reduced costs. Our luxurious furniture is of the highest quality,and reasonably priced. Our furniture production meets green standard and has minimal impact on the environment.Considering the satisfaction of our customers as our most important priority,and managing our company in a professional,honest and efficient manner,has led to great success for our company. The people of "Red Leaves" devote their care,talents,and energy to the products produced by the company. All the parts,components and products are made with greatest care. To the people of "Red Leaves", furniture means heart and home. "Red Leaves" brings your heart a home and makes your heart feel warm.