企业立足于频率元器件产品市场,集研发、生产、销售于一体,产品包括声表面面波器件(SAW Filter、SAW Resonator)、石英元件(Crystal Unit)、陶瓷元件(Ceramic Parts);公司秉持“服务创造价值”的经营理念,坚持以客户为中心,不断创新产品,并且具有独立自主的研发能力,已为许多客户提供了量身订做和系统有效的解决方案。
欢迎惠顾!      Visa Hank production base was established in Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, covering an area of 10,000 square meters, with employees of  more than 300.Our enterprise bases on the frequency components market, with the scope of R & D, production and sales.The products include SAW Filter, SAW Resonator, Crystal Unit and Ceramic Parts. Our company upholds the principle of " services to create value "business philosophy, demanding adherence to customer-centric and innovative products to provide customers with system solutions.      We have abundant experience and good customer base, standing out through careful management and positive improvement. Products are widely used in multimedia, communication and other fields, such as electronic tuner, set-top boxes, LCD-TV, mobile phones, wireless LAN, automotive electronics and security products etc.Our company has become the parts and components supplier of several top hundred enterprises in Chinas electronics.      The company adheres to the principle of quality-oriented, and continuously introduces advanced management ideas and management methods, passing ISO9001:2000 certification system of international quality management system.
名称: 深圳市外索投资发展有限公司 类型: 有限责任公司 (生产厂家)
经营范围: 投资兴办实业(具体项目另行申报);电子元器件、电子产品、数码产品的技术开发及销售,货物及技术进出口(法律、行政法规禁止的项目除外,法律、行政法规限制的项目须取得许可后方可经营)。
城市: 广东/深圳 规模: 未提供
注册资金: 未填写 注册年份: 2009
法人代表: 黄建城
经营模式: 生产厂家
营业执照号码: 440301103850558
注册机关: 深圳市市场监督管理局
主营产品: 声表#晶振#防盗器#液晶电视
电子元器件 / 频率元件
  • 地址:中国广东深圳市福田区车公庙工业区201栋东座7楼
  • 电话:86075582504589
  • 手机:13501566779
  • 传真:86075588353635
  • 联系人:李杰